Lafayette County Property Appraiser - Tax Estimator
Step 1:
Select Tax District where property is located.
Tax District:
...Select Tax District
City of Mayo
Millage Rate:
Millage Rate is automatically calculated when you select a Tax District
Step 2:
Estimated Sale Price
Assessed Value
Sale Price:
Enter the estimated Sales Price this property would be sold for in a normal Real Estate transaction. (Assessed Value will be based on 100% of this value)
- OR -
Only input one value, Sale Price or Assessed Value
Assessed Value:
Enter the Assessed Value of this property.
Step 3:
Submit Values
(Click this "Calculate Estimated Taxes" button)
Assessed Value:
Estimated Assessed Value x Millage Rate per $1000
x ( / 1000)
The estimates above are based on information that you have provided and are calculated using a hypothetical example. These estimated values and tax amounts may not fully represent the actual assessed values nor the total ad valorem taxes and non-ad valorem special assessments for any given parcel. Neither the Lafayette County Property Appraiser nor the web hosting provider warrants or certifies the accuracy of any values or tax amounts on this page.